Wednesday, February 18, 2009

- own place
- job in the industry that I love
- my own business really up and running
- part of an organization that helps the community
- The MAN of my dreams and love of my life
Now the man part is at the end for a reason. I want to have my own before I really, really settle down with someone. I agree with people when they say you should be friends first because it helps build a foundation. Men for some reason (and this is a good quality) want to have certain things in order before they seriously settle down with "the one." One day while listening to the radio I heard a good conversation between a man and a woman that made me think.
Woman: "So what is a woman supposed to do, just wait for a man to come & sweep her off her feet?"
Man: "YES!"
That statement is so true for a few reasons (but I'm only gonna talk about one). Now to wait idle is not the meaning, but waiting and in the mean time getting yours! Getting your money right, going on that dream trip with your girlfriends, just doing you! Men are going to get theirs. They usually do not wait till they meet their special lady to then go after their dreams. To men having a real woman is the "icing on the cake." Now following this concept has not been easy, actually it's really hard but I know it is worth it. Ladies if we get the idea into our heads that a man is supposed to come after us, we will step our game up. The more and more he has to work the more and more valuable we become. I don't mean play little girl mind games just be true to who you are and make him step up to the plate. Men want what they can't have, they enjoy a chase, and they have since cave men times. Let them do what is natural for them to already do. The more work and worth you put into yourself the more they see that and adjust. Hard to sometimes do, but it only works in our benefit.
I know what I want and for the most part who I want, but time needs to run its course with us. In the meantime I'm going to get mine and I know he is getting his, and when we get to the next level we will know that we are blessed because we are equal! He will love me cause I got my own.......hahaha Smooches ladies!!!
Labels: Image Consulting
- LadyD said...
February 19, 2009 at 5:12 PMI hear that it's all about I N D E P E N D E N C E...for 09! Good post!- lavonda said...
February 19, 2009 at 11:12 PMHonestly said... Sisters lets take the lead- the YOUNG LIONESS said...
February 22, 2009 at 4:13 PMI co-sign everything! Carpe Diem!!!