Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I have not blogged in over a month and I feel horrible. The thing is I am on the computer but I can't seem to get inspired about anything to write about, that isn't already out there. Also my life has been rather hectic too. I'm still working at the job that I posted about earlier, I moved into my first apartment, and I have another bit of news but I am going to wait on that. :) But, I'm doing good and I will hopefully be back to blogging soon.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009
I'm really feeling this song! Sometimes loving someone can make you dillusional to their true character. I understand and agree that love changes you, but it's supposed to be for the better right? If you love someone prove it to them every single day.
I think this is the prettiest Ciara has every looked in a video. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I know I have been "missing in action" lately, just been real busy with starting my new job (which I still love). I have so many exiciting things to discuss but no time to put them up, but they are coming. I'll keep you posted! Hope your having a great day!!!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Labels: New Business Unveiling
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Labels: Workout Wednesday
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Labels: Recommended Reads
Monday, March 2, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Labels: New Business Unveiling, Workout Wednesday
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

- own place
- job in the industry that I love
- my own business really up and running
- part of an organization that helps the community
- The MAN of my dreams and love of my life
Now the man part is at the end for a reason. I want to have my own before I really, really settle down with someone. I agree with people when they say you should be friends first because it helps build a foundation. Men for some reason (and this is a good quality) want to have certain things in order before they seriously settle down with "the one." One day while listening to the radio I heard a good conversation between a man and a woman that made me think.
Woman: "So what is a woman supposed to do, just wait for a man to come & sweep her off her feet?"
Man: "YES!"
That statement is so true for a few reasons (but I'm only gonna talk about one). Now to wait idle is not the meaning, but waiting and in the mean time getting yours! Getting your money right, going on that dream trip with your girlfriends, just doing you! Men are going to get theirs. They usually do not wait till they meet their special lady to then go after their dreams. To men having a real woman is the "icing on the cake." Now following this concept has not been easy, actually it's really hard but I know it is worth it. Ladies if we get the idea into our heads that a man is supposed to come after us, we will step our game up. The more and more he has to work the more and more valuable we become. I don't mean play little girl mind games just be true to who you are and make him step up to the plate. Men want what they can't have, they enjoy a chase, and they have since cave men times. Let them do what is natural for them to already do. The more work and worth you put into yourself the more they see that and adjust. Hard to sometimes do, but it only works in our benefit.
I know what I want and for the most part who I want, but time needs to run its course with us. In the meantime I'm going to get mine and I know he is getting his, and when we get to the next level we will know that we are blessed because we are equal! He will love me cause I got my own.......hahaha Smooches ladies!!!
Labels: Image Consulting
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Labels: Image Consulting
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The company's slogan says it all "Taking Fitness Past Perception."

Labels: New Business Unveiling

Have you ever?
Have you ever craved someone?
Have you ever craved someone so bad?
Have you ever craved someone so bad you could feel?
Have you ever craved someone so bad you could feel your heart?
Have you ever craved someone so bad you could feel your heart beat still?
Beat still
Beat still
And they-
Didn't crave you back?
Labels: Recommended Reads
Jimmy Choo "Grant" Satin Silk Peep Toe Shoe
That may sound stupid but it is an honest emotion. Not a fear of failure but rather yet a fear of success. To further explain this weird yet very common trepidation…’s a fear of all your dreams becoming reality and you actually becoming completely happy. Who am I that I could be granted such an honor of complete and utter happiness? I truly believe that “God does not give us dreams to taunt us.” “If you believe it then you can achieve it.” What is the point to have ideas, aspirations, and desires about what you could achieve and never try to pursue them? People including myself will try to make all sorts of excuses about why they can not pursue what they have always wanted but blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, ya….there is no time like the present and life will be over sooner than you know it. For me the power of a stiletto is real, but it really isn’t that the shoe has some magical powers they just assist in shaping my attitude and outlook and I feel confident, and that is the most important thing. Confidence is the sexiest thing that a woman can wear. Confidence shines thru whether a woman is in a pair of Christian Louboutins or New Balances, the woman makes the shoes not vice versa.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.” –Nelsen Mandela (Inaugural Speech 1994)
Labels: Image Consulting

Black Curtain Management joined forces with SCANDALOUS BEAUTY- THE URBAN BEAUTY BLOG and hosted the first ever Scandalous Beauty "Meet and Greet." The event was held at Mayorga Coffee House in Silver Spring, Md. on December 28, 2008.
For those of you who do not know about Scandalous Beauty she is a twenty something-Go Getter-Beauty Fiend-Shopaholic-Sex and the City Fanatic-Brown Skinned Sista-Hopeless Romantic-Professional Makeup Artist-College Senior-Starbucks Junkie-Chipotle Eating-Spend it Before she Makes It Follower and young entrepreneur. Her goal in life is to become a Beauty Editor at a major publication. Each day, she is taking the necessary steps to get there. This woman is so determined she can taste it!

You can check out her makeup tutorials and beauty tips on youtube at
and also her website at
Below is a picture of Scandalous Beauty and myself at the event. We are currently in the beginning stages of planning another "unveiling" for the spring, so I will keep you posted. In the mean time definitely check out her blog and for beauty tips and makeup tutorials visit her youtube station and subscribe! You will not be disappointed.
Labels: Couture- Event Management
Monday, February 2, 2009
Noir Expose' is all about exposure!!! I created this blog to talk about any and everything but mainly to expose businesses, artists, and entrepreneurs. This blog is a lifestyle blog so it will feauture items that I consider really hot, events happening in the Maryland, D.C., Virginia area (or events that I will be attending or hosting), and topics that I feel are important to be discussed. I have my own event planning/image consulting company called Black Curtain Management so event updates will be posted on here as well. This blog is meant to be fun, informative, and enlightening. I hope you all enjoy and welcome to Noir Expose- The Blog