Saturday, March 28, 2009
I'm really feeling this song! Sometimes loving someone can make you dillusional to their true character. I understand and agree that love changes you, but it's supposed to be for the better right? If you love someone prove it to them every single day.
I think this is the prettiest Ciara has every looked in a video. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I know I have been "missing in action" lately, just been real busy with starting my new job (which I still love). I have so many exiciting things to discuss but no time to put them up, but they are coming. I'll keep you posted! Hope your having a great day!!!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Woopee!!!!!!! I have a new job and I love it! I'm 23 (about to be 24 in about a month, another Woopee lol) and I can honestly say that I wake up every morning excited to go to work. I am actually doing what I love to do and something that I am really good at. I work for Artisan Blue Graphic Design located out in Washington D.C. No I'm not a graphic designer, I just handle the operational aspect, sending out proposals, invoicing, and such. Anyway not trying to hype Artisan Blue up just because I work there, but their designs are phenomenal and we can design everything. Anything you can imagine, we can create! You know I am a strong believer in exposure and Artisan Blue is a company that is definitely on the up and up. Owned by 2 Howard University college graduate men (brothas doing the dag on thing and they prove there are still some good men in the world) who just wanted to design and help businesses and people look good through their print and design work, Artisan Blue is the definite go to company for any and all graphic design needs. They have been in business for nearly 11 yeas (so they aren't armatures). If you or if you know anyone that needs some graphic work do not hesitate to hit me up at
Check out our website at, to be honest the website doesn't really do the company justice but there are some links on there of other projects. I'm truly blessed and happy to be working for this company and I really believe and stand by the products that are produced.
Labels: New Business Unveiling
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
So spring is almost here and that means summer is right around the corner. Now we should all be striving to become healthy individuals, but some added, call it superficial if you want, perks to exercising are looking extra cute in your clothes and having everyone tell you how good you look. Now I have been working out with my trainer Carlos at Beyond Fitness for almost a year now and have been getting a lot of those "added perks!"
Now for "Workout Wednesday" the workout tip that I feel has been truly beneficial to my progress is "spurts of intense cardio." In a nut shell what Carlos is having me do is run at a moderate pace for about a minute then he raises the intensity for another minute and after that minute I go back to the moderate pace. Each time he raises the intensity higher and higher but after the minute I'm back to the moderate pace. I keep following this pattern for about 10 minutes with each time raising the intensity higher and higher. At first this was a killer "warm up" but I have gotten better cause now we incorporate incline while still raising the intensity and now I can run at a more intense level for 2 minutes instead of the 1. I really enjoy this method because I burn a lot more calories a lot faster and it isn't as boring as just running on a treadmill for 10minutes at a constant pace. I highly recommend "spurts of intense cardio." I don't know about you but I am going to be swim suit ready this season!!!!
Labels: Workout Wednesday
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ok so I may be a little late but this past weekend I saw "He's Just Not That Into You" at the movies. Now I already owned the book and when it became a movie I was really excited. Anyway the movie was very creatively done, contained unique yet realistic characters, and most of all was insightful. Now I had originally planned to see the movie with my girlfriends but I ended up seeing it with a really close guy friend and I think that was the best choice because guys tend to give the real logical truth about matters and when I was sitting there at different point in the movie my friend would say "Yep that's true about males!" Females, because they sometimes want to spare your feelings, (there are a few clips in the movie that prove this theory lol) will sometimes distort a matter to make it fit what you want to see. The movie gave lots of advice and brutal honesty about men and relationship and how distorted our female mind can become concerning the two. The real message that I walked away with, is that if a guy really wants, you he will come after you, and if he doesn't then.......HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!!!!!
Go see the movie if it is still out but if you're feeling a little more adventurous purchase the book you wont be disappointed. 

Labels: Recommended Reads
Monday, March 2, 2009
There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things which our beyond the power of our will.
- Epictetus
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