Saturday, February 6, 2010
Hello everyone, I know I have been kinda absent lately, but it has been for good reasons. If you do not already know I just gave birth to a little girl almost 2 months ago. With her birth I have had to really take a look at my life and figure out what I really wanted to do. I needed to know what I was called to do and then move into it.
I needed a vision.....
I know I was interested in business and helping small businesses grow to the next level. With that God showed me my future self and I loved her. So now I have a vision of myself succeeding in my own company and doing what I love (and looking good doing it as well lol).
I don't know everything, but I do know that I am to be successful so with that I am pressing forward and trusting God to lead me to where I am supposed to be. If you know you are supposed to be doing something great do not wait until you feel it is the right time. Step out now and trust God to take over. When He sees you step out on faith and do what he has called you to do, he has no choice but to step in and give you what you need to succeed.
Get a hold of a vision and move forward.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
You can't tell a man everything. I'm learning this concept, don't fully agree with it, but I understand it. I'm the type of female where I can share to much information, especially when it comes to my feelings. It's not a bad thing, but when it comes to dealing with men, it can be. Should you be able to go to your man and pour out your heart to him and have him receive it, yes, however you should be wise when you do it, and understand the type of man that you have.
I can't tell the guy that I deal with everything that is on my heart, because he can't handle it. He either wants to fix it or tell me to get over it, or that I shouldn't think like that, and I absolutely hate that. Now there are times when I do need to be checked and told when I am wrong, but sometimes I just need him to listen or be that shoulder to lean on when I need some emotional support. I love him and I know he loves me (when we have our good days lol) but I can not and should not tell him everything. He doesn't understand me and my needs as a female fully and therefore I can not get what I need from him.
Now that is where God is able to step in and be what I need when I need it. God is sensitive enough to know what I need as a woman, sometimes that is a hard slap, sometimes it's an ear, and sometimes it's a soft word. I love that about God. He understands me even when I don't understand myself. He has knowledge and understanding of me (he should, he did create me lol) and the ultimate wisdom to deal with EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that I bring to him.
Ladies, we (yes I am too guitly of this) need to stop looking for the men in our life to be what God should be in our lives. Bring your cares and worries before him and he will supply all your needs.
Ladies we can never change men, they have to want to change and want to understand the female that they are dealing with. Ladies we can change ourselves though. Does that suck that we have to change and our men might remain the same, YES!!!! O well, life isn't fair. In due time however a true man will learn how to understand and deal with his woman, it takes time and it takes him wanting to do it, we can't force it on him (learned that lesson too the hard way). When the time is right he will want her to share the matters of her heart and he will be able to use wisdom on how to handle the situation, whether that is to talk, listen, or fix. It will all work itself out.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I have not blogged in over a month and I feel horrible. The thing is I am on the computer but I can't seem to get inspired about anything to write about, that isn't already out there. Also my life has been rather hectic too. I'm still working at the job that I posted about earlier, I moved into my first apartment, and I have another bit of news but I am going to wait on that. :) But, I'm doing good and I will hopefully be back to blogging soon.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009
I'm really feeling this song! Sometimes loving someone can make you dillusional to their true character. I understand and agree that love changes you, but it's supposed to be for the better right? If you love someone prove it to them every single day.
I think this is the prettiest Ciara has every looked in a video. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I know I have been "missing in action" lately, just been real busy with starting my new job (which I still love). I have so many exiciting things to discuss but no time to put them up, but they are coming. I'll keep you posted! Hope your having a great day!!!!!